Innovative Ethical Problem Solving

Innovative Ethical Problem Solving

As the US military shifts attention and resources from Iraq to Afghanistan and as Iraq modifies its relationship with the USG, increasing numbers of US companies especially Defense, State Department and USAID contractors seek insight and understanding of the changing risks in these two nations, as well as other nations where the relationship with the USG is in transition or relatively untested, or both.

As the US military shifts attention and resources from Iraq to Afghanistan and as Iraq modifies its relationship with the USG, increasing numbers of US companies especially Defense, State Department and USAID contractors seek insight and understanding of the changing risks in these two nations, as well as other nations where the relationship with the USG is in transition or relatively untested, or both.

Some locations where US companies operate have well established functioning legal systems and Status of Forces Agreements (“SOFAs”) that provide protections and privileges for these contractors while performing work on behalf of the US military forces or other US government agencies.  In other nations, however, the legal systems are immature, less predictable, the SOFA is untested and armed hostilities may be taking place. Multinational companies face the risk of running afoul of host nation laws, regulations, unfair business practices and even dishonest officials on a daily basis.

Veritas Assurance Partners provides accurate, unique, hard‐to‐get and sophisticated advice concerning political, legal, commercial and physical risks of conducting business in a particular nation that will permit a company to make an informed and intelligent calculation for the commencement or continuance of business in the particular nation.    Our advice is based on the political, legal, commercial, and cultural realities of the nation obtained from experts on the ground rather than solely on an internet based review of written laws and regulations.

Examples of services, advice and support provided to clients include matters such as:

Business Registration

Operating License

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Assessments and Investigations  

Contract Dispute Investigation

Sophisticated Cultural & Political Analysis

Visa, Weapons and Vehicle Licensing

Due Diligence on Companies and Individuals

Alternative Dispute Resolution

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