Accurate Intelligence and Sophisticated Advice Leads to Competitive Advantage.

Accurate Intelligence and Sophisticated Advice Leads to Competitive Advantage.

Global investigations, integrity due diligence, fraud, corruption, risk, compliance & security consulting firm.

Global investigations, integrity due diligence, fraud, corruption, risk, compliance & security consulting firm.

Global investigations, integrity due diligence, fraud, corruption, risk, compliance & security consulting firm.


Veritas Assurance Partners

Comprehensive, Broad-spectrum Business Consulting and Intelligence Services

Comprehensive, Broad-spectrum Business Consulting and Intelligence Services

Comprehensive, Broad-spectrum Business Consulting and Intelligence Services

Sophisticated and discrete independent investigations and forensic accounting designed to uncover fraud, corruption, money laundering and other criminal behavior.

Asset recovery, reputational due diligence, e-discovery and business intelligence.

Strategic planning, program management, innovative and ethical alternative approaches to achieve results.

Global Integrated Network

Global Integrated Network

Global Integrated Network

Seasoned, successful, accredited and trusted global network of former law enforcement officials, military and intelligence experts, forensic accountants, conflict resolution professionals and leading industry experts.

Deep understanding of domestic and foreign business, political, financial and cultural environment.

Strategic planning, investigations, intelligence and analysis with special focus on North and South America, Afghanistan and Iraq. Native speakers of Spanish, Dari, Pushtu, Arabic, Portuguese who have deep understanding of cultural sensitivities.

Flexible, innovative, precise and timely approach to problem solving provides valuable and cost-effective solutions for clients.

Institutional philosophy, structure and incentives designed to offer the most talented and experienced professional to any assignment while maintaining effectiveness, efficiency and economy.

Accurate, timely response and assistance delivered at very competitive cost

Accurate, timely response and assistance delivered at very competitive cost

Accurate, timely response and assistance delivered at very competitive cost

Flexible, innovative, precise and timely approach to problem solving provides valuable and cost-effective solutions for clients.

Institutional philosophy, structure and incentives designed to offer the most talented and experienced professional to any assignment while maintaining effectiveness, efficiency and economy.

About Us

Mission Statement

Provide accurate information, intelligence and sophisticated business advice that solves problems for clients in an effective and efficient manner, strengthening the client’s competitive advantage in the market place.


  • Ethics & Integrity above all

  • Independence and objectivity

  • Moral Courage in the face of adversity

  • Public Good for all nations, all people.

  • Open-minded, honest and transparent communications

Major Clients

  • Defense Contractors facing legal, political, cultural and policy challenges while operating in high risk nations in The Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latin America.

  • Prestigious law firms requiring trusted, independent and objective litigation support and investigative services in the US and overseas.

  • Multi-national corporations needing independent expert advice concerning risk mitigation, copy right protection, investigations and due diligence, and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act compliance support.

  • US and foreign governments and agencies desiring assistance with establishment of institutional solutions to thorny political, financial control, and internal corruption problems.

Our Team

Manuel E. Fernández Supervielle

Manuel E. Fernández Supervielle

Manuel E. Fernández Supervielle

President & Co-Founder

President & Co-Founder

Billy F. Marlin

Billy F. Marlin

Billy F. Marlin

Executive Partner, Investigations and Intelligence & Co-Founder

Executive Partner, Investigations and Intelligence & Co-Founder

Christopher T. Marquet

Christopher T. Marquet

Christopher T. Marquet

Senior Partner

Senior Partner

Thomas V. Cash

Executive Managing Director

Thomas V. Cash

Thomas V. Cash

Executive Managing Director

Executive Managing Director

Diego Barbosa

Diego Barbosa

Executive Director – Investigations & Corporate Intelligence, Western Hemisphere

Executive Director – Investigations & Corporate Intelligence, Western Hemisphere

Roger M. Huth

Roger M. Huth

Managing Director - Investigations & Compliance

Managing Director - Investigations & Compliance

Thomas V. Cash

Executive Managing Director

Diego Barbosa

Diego Barbosa

Executive Director – Investigations & Corporate Intelligence, Western Hemisphere

Executive Director Investigations & Corporate Intelligence

Roger M. Huth

Roger M. Huth

Managing Director - Investigations & Compliance

Executive Director Investigations & Corporate Intelligence


Global Investigations & Consulting:

Veritas Assurance Partners offers a wide range of mutually supportive business and financial investigations, analysis, intelligence and consulting product lines that provide our clients with comprehensive, holistic and value added services worldwide. We help our clients clearly understand the nuances of complex challenges facing them at home and abroad, permitting them to make informed and intelligent strategic decisions. Our professionals have years of experience with:

Due Diligence Investigations

Institutional philosophy, structure and incentives designed to offer the most talented and experienced professional to any assignment while maintaining effectiveness, efficiency and economy - LEARN MORE

Fraud & Corruption Prevention

Veritas Assurance Partners’ investigative team of former law enforcement and intelligence officials, prosecutors and industry‐specific experts has decades of experience helping clients to prevent, detect, monitor risks and prosecute fraud - LEARN MORE

Asset Tracing & Recovery

Our former law enforcement and intelligence officers and prosecutors have successfully tracked the assets of fraudsters, fugitives, deposed dictators, and deadbeats. Working together with computer forensic experts, our forensic accountants and our industry‐specific experts in industry practices, Veritas Assurance Partners’ experts are skilled at identifying and exposing hidden assets anywhere in the world - LEARN MORE

dispute resolution

Our company helps clients understand the origin of the dispute and work with litigators in civil or criminal litigation, or in arbitration, to develop tactics to streamline the entire process and maximize efficiency and cost‐effectiveness - LEARN MORE

Intellectual Property Investigations

It is estimated that the theft of trade secrets and the infringements on products results in 5‐7% in loss sales each year. This number is significantly higher in intellectual property intensive industries such as software, entertainment, high‐end fashion products, liquor and tobacco - LEARN MORE

Government Strategic Services:

Veritas Assurance Partners offers a broad spectrum of strategic & operational services, innovative dispute resolution experience and profound, multifaceted understanding of U.S. and foreign governments. These services allow our clients to intelligently conduct business in the often unpredictable environment of international government relations:

Innovative Ethical Problem Solving

As the US military shifts attention and resources from Iraq to Afghanistan and as Iraq modifies its relationship with the USG, increasing numbers of US companies especially Defense, State Department and USAID contractors seek insight and understanding of the changing risks in these two nations, as well as other nations where the relationship with the USG is in transition or relatively untested, or both - LEARN MORE

U.S. and Foreign government advice and interface

Veritas Assurance Partners offers insights, advice and strategic communication services for clients that require straightforward, clear insights and advice concerning US and foreign governments’ processes and decision‐making mechanisms - LEARN MORE

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© 2023 Veritas Assurance Partners

© 2023 Veritas Assurance Partners